improvement: inventions
cloth, coal, iron and metal.
The division of labour had been really significant for
the English industry. However, it was not enough to increase the output of
production so people started to look for new ways to innovate in the different areas
of production. The main industries in England were the cloth, the coal and
iron; and the metal industry. All of them were facing difficulties regarding
the processes employed for production so it was essential to improve technology
at that time.
The main
problem in the cloth industry was
that in the textile trade, people always lacked yarn and the spinning had to be
done by hand. It was a really hard work and as a consequence the production could
not keep pace with the weaving and knitting processes. The problem of the yarn
was easily solved since it was imported from Ireland. The greatest solution for
the difficulties in production was the invention of a spinning machine. Several inventors worked on this idea of having a
machine that could spin faster than workmen. However, it took several years to
have an efficient machine. Finally In 1764 in Lancashire, James
Hargreaves invented the spinning
jenny, which he patented in 1770. It was the first
practical spinning frame with multiple spindles. The jenny worked by first
clamping down on the fibres, and then by drawing them out, followed by
In the other two great English industries, coal and iron, there was an equal need
for technological improvement. There was an incredible demand for coal and iron
throughout the eighteenth century. People used to find iron and coal under
their flower beds, lawns and parklands; and they deliberately uprooted them.
But in that moment it was difficult to get iron and coal since they had to go
deeper. The invention that solved this problem was the steam pump developed by Savery and Newcomen, which was then
perfected in 1712. In that way they managed to ensure the most important of
England’s industries.
after cloth and coal, the most vital of English industries was the metal trade. Up to that moment, iron
had always been smelted by charcoal, but all the forests were being destroyed. The metal industry seemed to be in a period
of crisis and many people were trying to discover new ways of smelting coal.
Fortunately, the Darbys of Coalbrookdale found the solution which consisted of using coke for smelting instead of
charcoal. That process was perfected by the thirties and this really influenced
England´s position since it started to lead the world in the industrial
To conclude,
the first part of the eighteenth century was a period in which people began to
realize that there was a need for a change so as to improve the production in
the different industries. Several inventors worked really hard to develop new
methods and machines that would optimize and facilitate the production. These
inventions had a profound effect on England’s invention and they marked the
process of industrialization which had already begun and turned England into
the leading industrial nation.
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