King and the Revolution.
Carefully look at sources A, B, and D. What kind of person do you think Louis
XVI was?
Now look at sources C and D. How would you describe Marie-Antoinette?
Can you be sure that your descriptions of Louis and his queen are accurate?
Explain your answer.
4) Find all the dates on this worksheet and write them in
your margin. Next to each date, write down the event it relates to.
5) In what three ways did Louis behave badly in the years
6) How did Louis show that he could not be trusted during
this time?
7) What point was the cartoonist of source E trying to
make? Explain your answer.
8) Mini-essay (at least one page of your exercise book) –
How did Louis deal with the difficulties he faced in the years 1789 – 1791? Use
the information and sources on this sheet, as well as your previous work.
1. I think
that Louis XVI was not really a terrible person. He was educated to be an
absolute ruler of France because that was the kind of government established in
the country. It was not entirely his choice. However, during his reign he could
have carried out measures to improve the peasants ‘living conditions. When the
Revolution broke out, he demonstrated certain sympathy towards people since he
accepted to rule under a constitutional ruler. I think he was an undecided King
and that was one of the reasons why the revolution began.
Some people also believed that he was
an honest man who wished to do good, but he had not either genius or education
to govern France properly and avoid the revolution.
2. Marie
Antoinette was clear examples of how luxurious were the royalist´s lifestyle.
He had a strong influence over Louis XVI´s decisions regarding politics. She
was highly criticized for spending so much money and people considered that her
extravagance had been a major cause of exhausting the government’s finances.
3. I
cannot be sure because this is what I can interpret from people´s opinion from
that time. I think that the clergy or the noble may have thought that they were
great monarchs since they provided rich people with a lot of privileges.
However, poor people had a critical view on Louis and I think that their
opinion is an accurate one.
4. 1774 Louis came to
the throne.
1789 Meeting
of the three Estates.
October, 1789
The Paris mob attacked Louis’s palace at Versailles.
1791 when
the constitution was finally proclaimed, Louis signed an oath of loyalty.
20-21, 1791 Louis attempted to escape to Montmedy, near
the Austrian Netherlands.
Louis and his family were captured and brought
back to Paris.
3rd 1791 The
constitution was proclaimed and Louis swore an oath of loyalty to it.
5. Louis
behaved badly in the years 1789-1791 because he went on supporting the nobles
although they had left him alone. He agreed with his wife’s actions
which were a bad influence on him. He committed a lot of mistakes when trying
to escape from France and that is why he and his family were discovered and
brought back to Paris where they were humiliated.
6. Louis
demonstrated that people could not trust him because he did not come out with
solutions to reform the country and he hid from the public. He also tried to
escape to another country leaving people ungoverned and unprotected.
7. The
cartoonist of source E tried to exaggerate the fact that the King and his
family were not well received in France. After their failed escape, they were
brought back to Paris and people laughed at them and they were forced to obey
the new constitution established by the Assembly.
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